At Flamingo Plumbing and Backflow Services, we practice what we preach. We are a client-focused company that has been in existence since 1992. We are dedicated to being your full service residential and commercial plumber and provide you with world class customer service always! In our committed efforts to do so, we have acquired a brand new asset – an F550 utility truck.
You might be wondering, what is this F550 utility truck and what does it even have to do with you, right? Well the F550 utility truck, with a crane attached to it, is a unique and powerful piece of machinery that offers many benefits to all our customers. The crane has a reach of 15” and a lifting capacity of 4000 lbs. Our company acquired this utility truck to be used in the installation and replacement of domestic and fire line backflow preventers larger than 3”. In addition, the truck will be used to install and replace sanitary lift stations and lift station pumps.
As we all know, it is required by your municipality to have your backflow tested annually. Not only that but also by a firm that is licensed and certified as backflow prevention assembly testers. Recently, we have seen a larger influx of customers requiring the installation and replacement of domestic and fire line backflow preventer larger than 3”. Fireline backflows are huge and heavy while lift station pumps are usually in pits. Tackling these jobs require a little more than muscles or manpower! Acquiring the F550 truck has not only helped with making these jobs easier and less strenuous for our technicians but also allowed us to offer even better service to our customers.
While we always provide a high level of customer service, we are constantly on the lookout for ways to further grow and develop the way in which we offer better services to our customers. It’s no secret that at Flamingo Plumbing and Backflow Services, our customers are our priority. We listen to their feedback, we then analyze those and make judgments based on the best of our abilities and always in the interest of improving customer satisfaction. Whether it means acquiring new assets, offering our expertise extensively, or simply giving back to our customers, our team continuously work together to find the right fit and focus! Our addition of the F550 to our fleet is an illustration of this ethos.
Is your domestic and fire line backflow preventer larger than 3”? Do you need assistance installing and replacing sanitary lift stations and lift station pumps? Are you looking for a certified and insured backflow assembly tester? Then Flamingo Plumbing and Backflow Services is the one to call! Visit our website at or give us a call at (561) 688- 2858 for more information!