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When was the last time you adjusted the water heater temperature in your home? If you haven’t, then you’re missing out on an opportunity to lower your monthly energy bill. In addition, adjusting the temperature also reduces safety risks such as scalding. On the other hand, setting the temperature too low has negative side effects.

For starters, your household will be in a low supply of hot water. And in most cases, the water may not be hot enough to fulfill certain household needs. In the worst-case scenario, low temperature may set the right condition for brewing bacteria in the heater tank. And because of this, you might be exposing your household to serious health conditions. 

Default Water Heater Temperature

In general, most water heaters come with a default temperature of 140oF. And it’s upon you as the user to set the right temperature that suits your needs. To confirm check out the temperature reading, look at the water heater dial. Alternatively, you can use a thermometer to measure the reading through the faucets when hot water flows out. 

What’s Energy Saving Temperature for a Hot Water Heater?

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency and Energy Department, 120oF is the best temperature. And here are the benefits of setting this temperature on your water heater:

  •     Energy Saving

According to experts’ recommendations, lowering the water heater setting by 20% saves you 10% on the energy bill. Not bad, right? And if you combine these savings at the end of the year it’s a significant amount. 

But wait, will this mean the end of the hot shower? Fortunately not, often, we don’t use water at 140oF or higher. As such, leaving the heater at this temperature is a waste of energy. 

  •     Reduces Mineral Buildup

A temperature setting of over 120oF can enhance mineral build-up in not only your heater but also your pipes. As a result, you may end up spending more money in addition to higher bills on maintenance. But when the heater is at 120oF, you can rest assured that maintenance needs won’t be anytime soon. 

  •     Reduces Safety Hazards like Scalding

Ever seen someone bathing at 140oF? Probably not, and this is because water at this temperature can lead to scalding. It’s extremely hot and disastrous, especially to a household with kids. And since we can’t bathe with water at this temperature, reducing it makes sense. 

  •     Prevents Pathogen Build-up

Saving energy is a noble idea from an environmental point of view. When it comes to your energy bill, it’s something to celebrate about. However, it also poses health risks if you reduce the water heater temperature too low. Often, bacteria such as Legionella can grow in the heater’s tank and expose your household to respiratory infections. 

How to Adjust the Temperature Setting

Unfortunately, there’s no one size fits all guide for adjusting the water heater temperature. Therefore, you must get your user manual and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. In addition, adhering to manufacturer instructions will ensure you don’t void your warranty. If you need assistance with this, professionals can help.

Final Take

If you have difficulties adjusting the water heater temperature to 120oF, don’t trouble yourself. Contact Flamingo Plumbing and Backflow and they will come to your rescue. Remember, setting too low or too high poses health risks. It’s either you will grow bacteria in the tank or leave your household susceptible to scalding.

Then there’s also the issue of energy efficiency. Therefore, you can avoid all these troubles by contacting a professional. They can help you with consultation if you need advice on adjusting the water heater temperature. So, if you are in Florida, get in touch with Flamingo Plumbing and Backflow. They’ll help you with this service among other general plumbing issues you may have.